Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Details in Visual

1 comment:

  1. One day this kid Dan was at football practice, and ended up getting a concussion. Before he could play again he had to pass his concussion test. He tried and he tried but he just couldn’t pass. You see Dan was not very good at tests. He didn’t mind too much though because he didn’t have to turn in an English work. That made Dan happy. But then he realized he is stuck in the horrible state of Illinois. Dan missed Florida a lot, and whined about it every day in class. It got real old, but no one would ever tell him that because he could pretty much kill all of us with his bare hands.
    One day in English class, Dan decided to give this kid Josh what he deserved. You see, Josh has been picking on Dan lately and it’s been making Dan feel insecure. So, Dan took Josh and threw him out the window. Josh knew that from then on he should never pick on Dan again.
    And while all of this was going on this girl Melissa decided she would set them both in their place, so she beat them both up and threw them both out of the window, they would never mess with her again. But then....
    Mr. Edel did not like the series of events that have been going on in his classroom. Later that day he watched many episodes of Battle Star Gallatica to learn different fighting techniques to beat up Melissa and throw her out of the window along with the rest of the class. After a long time of training he was ready to fight.
    So Mr. Edel started to use his new found skills on the weak students. He just beat the crap out of every one. Even worse he failed all of them. His new found power was too much for one man. The government started to become concerned with Mr. Edel. They decided that it was time to put him down. So they showed up to class one day and threw HIM out the window! And everyone else lived happily ever after.
